6:15 AM - My alarm goes off. I usually don't set one. However, today is a workout day and in the rare case that Cambry sleeps in past her normal 6:00 AM wake up time, I need to wake her up. I know that sounds crazy, but I need her to wake up at normal time so she will go down for a nap before we leave for workout. She is actually still asleep so I give her a few more minutes and I doze back off. Greg is already gone for work.
6:30 AM - I wake up and warm up Cambry's milk. I go wake her up and she sits in my lap in bed while she drinks it.
Then we go in the playroom and play. I get a bowl of cereal and watch her play. I usually turn on the news for a few minutes.
After a while I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on makeup. Cambry either plays in the bathroom with me or in her room or back and forth.
Then we go in her room and I get her dressed and we usually read some books.
8:20 AM - I start the nap routine. I know it seems early, but the girl is ready for a nap by 8:30. Today it is a little early since she slept in a bit, but I need her to get a nap in before we leave at 9:30. I read her some books, sing her some songs, and then she falls asleep. I lay her down but she wakes up. I walk out and I watch her on the monitor. She lays quietly there for a while. She then starts standing up and babbling.
9:00 AM - She is still playing around awake, so I go in and rock her so she will go to sleep. She falls asleep finally. Love this sweet little face so much!
I usually drink coffee, try to have my quiet time during this time, and finish getting dressed and ready.
9:35 AM - I wake her up and we leave for the gym.
10:00 - 11:00 AM - I take the Lift work out class and Cambry goes to childcare.
11:15 AM - I am embarrased to say this but we went through the Chickfila drive thru...right after workout. Oops. Does it make it better that I substituted fruit for fries? I know it probably seems like SAHMs do this every day, but I rarely pick up food on my own. It just sounded so good and it was right there.
11:45 AM - Arrive home. I make Cambry scrambled eggs and grapes for lunch and share some of my nuggets.
12:15 PM - After lunch Cambry is good about playing by herself for a bit while I clean. She either plays in the play room, in the kitchen, in her room, or just continually walks all about the house. I wipe down counters, put up dishes, clear up clutter, and sweep (I don't sweep every day).
12:45 - 1:30 PM - We play, read books, look outside, play with toys, explore, etc.
1:30 PM - I give Cambry a sippy cup of milk. She drinks it while I read her books. Then I sing her songs and rock her to sleep.
While she sleeps I start this blog and watch a show on Netflix.
2:45 PM - Cambry wakes up. She stays quiet for a while rolling around or softly babbling. She is content so I let her be until 3:00.
3:20 PM - We head to Target to get a baby shower gift for a friend. Cambry eats some snacks in the cart.
4:30 PM - Back home. Play around the house, go in the backyard, etc.
6:10 PM - Back home. Play around til Daddy gets home.
6:20 PM - Daddy is home! Horray!
6:30 - 7:00 PM - Dinner time. Tonight is leftovers. I tried a new Pinterest recipe last night. I thought it was good. Super easy. Pesto Ranch Crock Pot Chicken. We also had a grain mixture (from Trader Joes) and mixed veggies.
Cambry is usually happy and silly at dinner. She had some of what we had, plus cheese and yogurt.
7:00 PM - After dinner is bath time. Greg gives Cambry her bath. She has a good time.
7:20 PM - Cambry drinks her milk while we read to her out of the Jesus Storybook Bible. Then we brush her teeth, turn off the lamp, sing songs, and lay her down. She usually takes a few minutes to fall asleep but will stay quiet.
Now Greg is at Bible Study (guys and girls switch off weeks). I just took a shower and now I am relaxing. I am thankful for a great day today.
I really enjoyed reading that! Its interesting to see what other SAHMs do during the day. Our days are similar. Camby looks like such a little toddler now. So this might be a silly question but do you just give a sippy cup of milk at the times you would have nursed? I like that idea.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what other people do but yes that is pretty much what I did. By the time she liked whole milk I think I was down to 2 nursing a day (morning and night), and everything else was solid food. So when I dropped the night feeding I substituted with a sippy cup of milk. Then later did the same with the morning feeding. Then I started giving her milk in the afternoon as well. So she drinks milk 3 times a day and has water with meals.
ReplyDeleteI know I always enjoy reading what other SAHMs do during the day!
This was so fun to read! I love reading little daily plans from others to see what their typical day looks like. I even google this stuff (I know I am a weirdo). So thanks for sharing!! :)
ReplyDeleteI also enjoyed reading this! Great idea...I may have to steal it :)