Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 11 Weeks

How far along: 11 Weeks

Baby’s Size: Fig 

Maternity Clothes: Belly band sometimes, a couple maternity shirts although not really necessary yet

Movement: None yet

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though.

Symptoms: Nauseous throughout the day and extremely nauseous at night, tired.

Food Aversions/Cravings: Cheesy things sound the best - goldfish, mac&cheese, pizza, cheesy casseroles, etc. Also drinking tons of milk. I was crazy for milk last time I was pregnant too. I eat cereal at least 2 times a day and put in tons of milk. Then sometimes I will just have a glass of chocolate milk. Smoothies sound good too. Somehow at the same time food grosses me out. I can hardly think what to have for dinner because everything sounds so terrible.

Best Moment this Week: Being in the Cayman Islands with family!

What I Miss: Feeling good and being able to be productive around the house 

What I am Looking Forward to: My next appointment and hearing the heartbeat again!

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