I feel like hitting 12 weeks is a huge milestone! I know it's not quite in the second trimester but it is close. And hopefully means I am getting closer to getting past this nausea. I feel like I have been pregnant forever, which is good and bad. Bad because I feel like I have been sick so long. But good because besides the sickness I really do enjoy being pregnant and don't want it to just fly by. Also by the time I'm due my first baby will be almost 2 and I do not want her growing up too fast!
How far along: 12 Weeks
Baby’s Size: Lime
Maternity Clothes: Belly band sometimes, a couple maternity shirts although not really necessary yet. I just bought a really cute maternity maxi dress from Target that I am excited about.
Movement: None yet
Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though.
Symptoms: Nauseous throughout the day and extremely nauseous at night, tired, easily lightheaded
Food Aversions/Cravings: Cheesy things, milk and cereal, other generally unhealthy foods
Best Moment this Week: Easter Weekend - the beautiful weather and spending time with family
What I Miss: Feeling good and being able to be productive around the house
What I am Looking Forward to: My appointment tomorrow! Also, hoping that this nausea starts to go away soon.
Overall, not much change from last week!
You are looking fantastic!! :) Hope the sicky feeling starts to go away very soon!