Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 15 Weeks

Just for reference, here I am below at 15 weeks with Cambry. Yikes, definitely showing more this time!

How Far Along: 15 Weeks

Baby's Size: Apple 

Maternity Clothes: Belly band, and a lot of maternity shirts. My favorite trick is to tie something around a regular shirt to give some definition to the belly instead of looking blob-ish. I have several shirts that have those removable sash things so it makes a great maternity accessory.

Movement: None yet

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though.

Symptoms: Nauseous throughout the day and extremely nauseous at night, tired, easily lightheaded. I have started to see a little relief, but still nauseous. But it is very encouraging that hopefully I will continue to see improvement!

Food Aversions/Cravings: Not much change - cheesy foods, soups, pickles, hamburgers, milk and cereal. 

Best Moment this Week: Dinner with the Ramseys - felt nice to do something at night even though I still felt nausous.

What I miss: Feeling good, going on walks, doing more things during the week with other moms, working out, etc.

What I am Looking Forward to: Nausea going away, feeling the baby kick.

By the way, one of my favorite pregnancy apps is the Pampers Hello Baby app (for the ipad) because it gives you the real life size of your baby each week. It is a really neat way to visualize it. The limbs definitely start to go off the page at some point because it gets bigger than the ipad. And by 40 weeks it just looks huge. Greg and I would look at the app each week with Cambry and by the end we were thinking no way she is this huge! We said once she was born we would compare to the 40 week picture. Well we completely forgot. I guess with a newborn you have lots of other things to worry about then how accurate your pregnancy app was :) Maybe this time around we will remember. Either way, it is fun to see.

1 comment:

  1. You are looking fantastic!! :) I love the sash idea. I like to show off a bump and that is a fun way to do it instead of just looking big all over. So cute!
