Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chicken Spaghetti

I tried a new Chicken Spaghetti recipe that I found here. I thought it was relatively healthy (except for all the cheese) and yummy. I used whole wheat spaghetti and followed the suggestion of throwing in some veggies. I finely diced a zucchini and sauteed it with the onion and bell pepper so it would not be easily detected by veggie-averse toddlers. I forgot to add in cayenne pepper which I should have because I thought it could use a little more spice/flavor. Still good though, and Cambry liked it. Win! In other veggie news, Cambry ate 4-5 lima beans at lunch yesterday! Let's celebrate the small victories :)

(Sorry these photos do not look that appetizing but what is a blog post without pictures, right?)


  1. yum i am totally going to have to try this!

  2. One question do you cook your chicken to not be too tough? Mine always ends up that way or i just buy a rotisserie

  3. Lauren - I always make shredded chicken in the crockpot now. It is so easy and gets so soft. Just throw in any number of chicken breasts in your crockpot (can even be frozen). Pour some chicken broth in there. I never measure, just make sure the bottom of the pot is covered...maybe 1/2 inch of liquid. I cook mine on high 4-5 hours then pull apart with forks but every crockpot is different. I used to always boil my chicken but yeah sometimes it would get a little tough so I like crockpot better. Sometimes I do a lot of chicken at once and freeze it once it is shredded to have on hand.

  4. Mmm sounds good! Need to try!
