Monday, May 13, 2013


My friend Joan asked me if I have ever posted a picture of Cambry without a bow in her hair -haha. Bow-less pictures are probably few and far between. I have pretty much put a bow in her hair ever since the day she was born. She could be my only girl so I have to enjoy it! Anyway, to remember what she looks like with no hair accessories, here is my girl in the morning. Her hair hangs straight in her face. And she never moves it. It is so funny. Sometimes I don't even see how she can see anything but she will just walk around with it completely in her eyes like it doesn't even bother her. Cutie pie!


  1. Awww I love the shaggy look!! She is adorable!

  2. LOVE that look. So serious too! Catherine actually wore her bow at school today as I pretty much bribed her with chocolate covered almonds if she still had it on when I picked her up.
