Thursday, June 27, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 24 Weeks

This week someone asked if I was due soon I said no, October, to which they were soooo shocked and just couldn't believe that I wasn't due very soon. Also, one of the google search terms that brought someone to my blog this week according to blogger stats was "enormous huge baby bump". Haha, thanks guys :)

How Far Along:  24 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Ear of Corn

Maternity Clothes: Yes mostly. I may need to buy another pair of maternity shorts soon.

Movement: Getting stronger and more frequent. So fun to feel! She seems wiggly just like Cambry was.

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though. It also seems like I have so many dreams each night.

Symptoms: Just low energy usually. This may be due to having very low blood pressure though - which I had at my last doctors visit. Also, sometimes by the end of the night my feet start to swell a little. Oh boy. I had completely forgotten about that lovely pregnancy symptom until I started seeing it happen a few weeks ago. Also - restless leg syndrome. I have had this for a while but keep forgetting about it. It really only happens when I lay down in bed at night. Lucky Greg! I just get this irresistable urge to flail my legs all about.

Food Aversions/Cravings: Nothing really this week. I have been loving ice cream lately but that is pretty normal. Although I have been specifically wanting Blue Bell. Not in the mood to put up with Kroger brand right now. Blue bell is just sooo much better. 

Best Moment this Week: The crib we ordered arrived this week! I can't wait to put it together. It seems so unreal that a baby will be in there this fall. I mean, yes we have gone through this before. But somehow it is just impossible to fully grasp the reality of a baby until it actually gets here.

What I miss: Having energy, being able to maneuver easily.

What I am Looking Forward to: Being able to start on the nursery. I say this every week and usually nothing happens. But we actually made some progress last night. We moved out the matress and the desk! Next we need to disasemble the bed frame and try to put it in the attic. Hopefully by next week the room will be cleared out and the crib set up. Maybe...

Goals: Busy bags are done! I have 17 bags for Cambry. I did a busy bag swap with some friends where we all ended up with 15 bags (+ the 2 I already posted about a couple weeks ago). I will post pictures of the 15 bags in one post soon. This week's goal is to buy or order all the fabric needed for the bedding and get it mailed off to be made. Also to finish clearing out the room.


  1. Silly people.. I think you look fantastic!!! And your belly open looks big because the rest of you is so tiny! :)

  2. Haha don't feel bad because I get the "you are huge, how are you not due this month" comment! :) Love your belly!
