Well this is a couple days late because we have been busy! A year and a half - wow! I feel like 18 months is such a milestone. Do I even count her age in months anymore? My baby is growing up. She is such a sweet adorable toddler.
At her 18 month check up her stats were: Height 33.5 inches (92%), Weight 25.8 lbs (70%), Head 18.75 inches (78%)
Skills: I feel like her vocabulary expanded a lot this month. New words: stuck, bus, bowl, mouse, ride, duck, outside, tv (dt), bird, star, banana (nana), truck, shoes, eye, nose, mouth, and cheese. She now points to my belly and says baby. But then she will also lift up her shirt and say baby. People often ask me if she understands that I am having a baby. No, she has no idea that the baby in my belly is going to come out and live with us permanently. October will be a shock for her!
Likes: Well her newest thing is Wheels on the Bus - the song and the show. She is getting really good at doing the hand motions to the song. I got 2 books about busses from the library today along with a CD of kid songs including Wheels on the Bus! She also has really started asking for tv recently. She starts pointing to the tv and saying dee-tee. She also knows that I always move her small arm chair in front of the tv, so she will start tugging on it and trying to move it herself when she wants to watch a show. I let her watch one show in the afternoon if we are home not doing anything. But sometimes first thing in the morning she starts out asking. She gets frustrated and stomps her feet when I don't let her. She still loves her babies of course, books, and carrying things around the house (hence holding a tube of cortizone cream in all the pictures). She always asks to go on rides. She likes us to push her around in her little car or take her on walks. I haven't been going on many walks recently though because it is just so hot and I already feel so pregnant.
Struggles: Vegetables. I think this may be a struggle for quite some time. We have made some teeny tiny baby steps of improvement (tonight she ate some cucumber...dipped in ranch), but overall she still will not really eat plain veggies. Sharing is also a struggle as I'm sure it is for all kids at this age. Maybe her new sister will help with this...or maybe just make it worse, ha!
She is the sweetest little girl. She can be quiet and shy around new people but at home she just talks non stop. She loves her grandparents and gets so silly when she sees them. We couldn't be more in love.
I know I say this almost every post but she is just so beautiful!! And such a little girl! :) Wow, so many new words this month. I have a feeling this might be a big month for words for Lids too (from 17 - 18 months). She is 17 1/2 now and definitely starting to say more each day.
ReplyDeleteA year and a half definitely seems like a big milestone!! :)