Monday, July 8, 2013

Around the House

This weekend we did a lot of things around the house. I started the stencil in the nursery and made some good progress. Greg did a lot of things around the house and yard, including planting some crape myrtles. We took a few pictures on Sunday before chuch since Cambry and I were in matching colors.  I love that I will have another girl to wear all of Cambry's cute clothes again. Most of them are all borrowed from her cousin Hollyn. That is Hollyn's dress below that I just put on Cambry for the first time. So cute and good to know another little girl can wear it in a couple years!


  1. Such great pictures of y'all!!! Hard to believe the little toot that wore the dresses is just seven weeks away from kindergarten!!!!

  2. What beautiful photos of your family!! :)
