Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 27 Weeks

Almost in my third trimester!

How Far Along:  27 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Cauliflower

Maternity Clothes: Yep! And still trying to squeeze into some regular clothes too.

Movement: More and more all the time. I love when she presses something against my stomach and I can feel a body part. I can never tell if it is an arm, leg, foot, etc, but I am always amazed at that.

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though. It also seems like I have so many dreams each night.

Symptoms: Low energy, feet swell a bit by the end of the day, restless legs, and some braxton hicks

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nothing new really.

Best Moment this Week: Going to Taste of Texas with Greg.

What I miss: Having energy, being able to maneuver easily, bed down easily, shave easily.

What I am Looking Forward to: Getting the crib bedding in. I am not sure when it will be done, but I am so excited to see it.

Goals: I bought curtains for the nursery but haven't bought a curtain rod yet. I know this next week is going to be super busy so my goal is just to survive :)

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