Monday, August 19, 2013

Girly Girl

This weekend we went to Austin to celebrate my Dad's Aunt Thelma's 90th Birthday. Can you believe 90th? Even at 90 she is super sharp and looking and dressing beautifully. She LOVES Steinmart and always has nice clothes and fun jewelry and purses. We had good food, cake, and she got lots of fun gifts.

We left in the morning and Cambry got a nap in, then we drove back around bed time so she slept the whole way home. I told Greg that traveling will never be this easy again :) Once we throw another little one into the mix things could get tricky.

We had a lot of fun seeing so many family members. I have no idea how we are all related, I think they are all some type of cousins, once, twice, 15 times removed. Who knows. But somehow we are all connected on the family tree and it was fun to see everyone.

Cambry had the time of her life. There were so many kids there. She wore herself out running around, playing dress up, having tea parties, doing arts and crafts, swinging, playing in the play house, and trying to keep up with the big kids.

Playing dress up seemed to come naturally for her. She started twirling when she had her sparkly dress on. I love how girly she is and that she will have a sister to play dress up with. Looking forward to lots more of this in our future!

This little girl put on a "concert" for us and sang every word to a Taylor Swift song. It was adorable.

What a fun weekend!

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