Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 35 Weeks

For comparison, here is my 35 week picture with Cambry. I am definitely still bigger this time around. Great.

Hallelujah I made it another week! Only 5 more to go (hopefully not more!!)

How Far Along:  35 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Honeydew melon (seems like the same size as a Cantaloupe to me). Or 5 1/4 lbs. and 18 in. long.

Maternity Clothes: I keep putting away maternity shirts that have become too short - like the one in the picture. It does not actually cover the bottom part of my belly but at least gives the illusion that it does :)

Movement: Constant ninja moves.

Sleep: Good, just hard to flip from one side to the other. And sometimes interrupted in the early morning hours by the crazy charlie horses in my legs. 

Symptoms: Mainly just feeling uncomfortable. Also lots of Braxton hicks, sometimes restless legs, and leg cramps. I don't have much energy. Also I have had a couple times where I think my blood sugar got really low and made me super lightheaded and weak. I am trying to watch what I eat more - making sure I eat enough protein and drinking water.

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nope.

Best Moment this Week: I have a few - seeing old friends, Lindsay's sip-n-see this weekend, and the Divine Design bible study I just started at Tallowood.

What I miss: Being able to move about easily, breathe easily, feel normal.

What I am Looking Forward to: Starting a mommy and me music class on Fridays.

Goals: The baby stuff is all washed. We have not hung the mobile yet. I was waiting on the bedding to come in before doing that. Unfortunately MD Anderson cord blood collection is not taking any new donors at this time. I was also unable to donate Cambry's cord blood because after trying to get everything set up with MDA and calling lots of times I finally gave up because it was just not happening. If anyone has been able to donate I would be interested in hearing how you did it. Goals for this week are to find Cambry a Halloween costume (won't have time probably after baby comes) and hang the mobile.

1 comment:

Sarah Schnure said...

Hi! If I eat a banana everyday I don't get the charley horses! Also- I delivered at women's and someone from MDA automatically came and picked up my cord blood- I just had to sign a release form at some point before!

You are getting so close!