Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 36 Weeks

YAY for 36 weeks! I am so happy only 4 more weeks but at the same time that seems like an eternity! I do not see my doctor this week, so I won't get checked. I doubt I have made any progress but I am still kind of curious.

How Far Along:  36 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Head of romaine lettuce. Or 6 lbs. and 18 1/2 in. long.

Maternity Clothes: Very few left that fit!

Movement: Constant ninja moves. I have also noticed that she has started getting the hiccups a lot.

Sleep: Good, just hard to flip from one side to the other. I have also moved a fan in by my side of the bed. I am usually super cold natured but now I need a little extra cool at night.

Symptoms: Just feeling so big. I am tired all the time and the belly feels extremely heavy. I am starting to get those random shooting pains. They usually only last a second. I remember getting these with Cambry toward the end too. I still get a lot of Braxton hicks, and just generally do not feel great. I don't know why this pregnancy seems so much harder than the first one. I am so eager for this baby to get here!

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nope.

Best Moment this Week: Having a little "sprinkle" from my Bible study girls. We do this for each other for second babies - it is small and casual and just takes the place of our normal Wednesday Bible study, but it is a sweet and special way to celebrate the baby. They prayed over Lainey and all aspects of the birth/labor/delivery/transition/growth/salvation/etc which was so sweet.

What I miss: Feeling normal.

What I am Looking Forward to: Finishing the nursery!

Goals: Mobile is hung. Cambry and Lainey both have something to wear for Halloween. We have decided on a monitor. Greg painted the trim in Lainey's room white (it was looking pretty yellow-ish). New goals for this week are to finish the nursery (the crib bedding came in and I love it!), pack hospital bags, install car seat, and get Cambry a big sister gift.

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