I thought it would be fun to take a picture in the same shirt I wore at 37 weeks with Cambry to really compare. It is hard to tell exactly but I think I look pretty similar. Though I feel huge at least I know my belly won't be growing for too much longer!
How Far Along: 37 Weeks! Full term!
Baby's Size: A bunch of Swiss Chard (I don't know what that looks like). Or 6 1/3 lbs. and 19+ in. long.
Maternity Clothes: Very few left that fit!
Movement: Lots of movement and hiccups. Last night we were laying in bed and she was moving like crazy. It was the most she had ever done. We watched my stomach just move and shake like crazy. She must have been pushing her little bottom all around because there was something very big and round that kept moving across my tummy. And then a foot or something kept poking out the side. It was so fun to watch.
Sleep: Good, just hard to flip from one side to the other. Still sleeping with the extra fan.
Symptoms: Braxton hicks, the random shooting pains, leg cramps and restless legs at night. It is pretty much impossible to disguise the waddle at this point. I am so slow everywhere I go. Greg misses my "shopping legs". Now when we go places together he has to inch along at my snail's pace. Also, I don't know if it is just a phase or if Cambry senses that the baby is coming soon but she has been pretty clingy lately. Throughout the morning she will go around with her arms in the air saying "hold youuuuuuuu". I try to hold her when I can. It makes me sad thinking my time with her as an only child is almost up but at the same time it is impossible to get ready (makeup, dressed, brush teeth, etc) while holding an almost 30 lb toddler on top of an almost 30 lb belly. I couldn't hold her while making our breakfast smoothies so she just laid down on the floor. She didn't throw a fit, she just laid there. So pitiful.
Food Aversions/Cravings: Nope. Although I have been enjoying lots of ice cream lately and honeycrisp apples. Well I guess the ice cream is not just "lately". That is pretty much all the time.
Best Moment this Week: Finishing the nursery! Also spending time with my sister Ashley who is in town for a little while.
What I am Looking Forward to: Getting an ultrasound tomorrow! I am so curious to know her weight estimate, double check her position, and see if I am dilated/effaced any.
Goals: The nursery is finished, Cambry's big sister gift is wrapped, Greg installed the car seat bases, and I am in the beginning stages of packing. Goals for this week are to draft the email announcement with email addresses of friends/family, and just to enjoy this time with Greg and Cambry. I really can't think of much else I need to do. I want to get my hair highlighted and get a pedicure before she comes, but I may wait another week...we'll see. I also need to clean our house really well and keep it that way.
You really do look the same to me! How crazy!!! Also, I can't even imagine carrying a 30 pound toddler while 37 weeks pregnant. How does that even work?! So exciting you are in the home stretch!
ReplyDeleteYou look great! Congratulations on finishing the nursery. Hang in there and enjoy that pedicre!