Sunday, September 29, 2013

Toddler Fun

We have been staying busy during the week and having a lot of fun. On Fridays we are taking a mommy-and-me music class called Tiny Tots and Tunes at Second Baptist. Cambry is pretty reserved during class but is warming up. Last week she wanted to wear her her bracelet, pearls, and sun glasses. Love my little diva.

I started going to Divine Design on Tuesdays at Tallowood. I have really enjoyed it so far! The first half of the class we do some type of homemaking skill or craft, and the second half is a Bible study. This past week we made pumpkin applique shirts. 

Last weekend Greg set up our camping tent in the playroom. Cambry had fun playing with it. She didn't really stay in long - she mostly just liked going in and out.

Since I am not working out anymore we have been going to story time at the library on Wednesdays. Afterwards Cambry likes to play and do all the puzzles.

Although mornings are usually pretty busy, afternoons can be long. Sometimes by the end of the day we have run out of things to do and are just counting down the minutes until daddy gets home. I love the Find My iPhone app because I can see when Greg leaves work and how close he is to home! She played with bubbles while waiting for him to come home. She gets so excited when he comes home. As soon as he walks through the door she yells "Chase!" and takes off running.

She thought it would be fun to put stickers all over the baby. What a sweet big sis :)

This just makes me so happy. She kept wanting me to put in more and more bows. I sure hope Lainey likes headbands and bows as much as Cambry!

And lastly, I wrote a post for Houston Mom's Blog this weekend about one of our favorite toddler friendly restaurants here!


  1. Love her fashion sense!! And so jealous that she lets you put all those pretty things in her hair. Okay, Lids doesn't have much hair but still, she hates stuff on her head! :/ Ohh bubbles.. so fun. Lids is bubble crazy right now!!

  2. She's such a cutie! I hear on the long afternoons. I feel like I"m a much better parent in the morning!
