Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall Weather, Pumpkins, and Pedicures

We had a great weekend! I love October so much. Friday night we went to dinner with friends at Black Walnut Cafe. Cambry did really well. She loved the noodles that came with my chicken parmesan. I think she got more noodles than I did. Oh well, she was occupied, which makes for a nice dinner!

Saturday we ran a bunch of errands. We took some pumpkin patch pictures at St. Lukes. I wanted to get those done before Lainey makes her debut and we may not get another chance. Plus Jill let me borrow this shirt and I had to get a picture in it while I'm still pregnant. It was a very hot morning and I think we were all sweating by the end but we did manage to get some good shots thanks to Greg.

Even though we got a few cute ones, it did not come easy. This picture pretty much sums up Cambry's attitude during a lot of the photo shoot.

Then one of the pumpkins was leaking a little goo and it got on Cambry's pants so she was preoccupied with that for the rest of the time. She asked "Zat?" (what's that?) about 500 times.

When I started throwing her around we got a few more smiles out of her.

Just for comparison, here is Cambry last year in the pumpkin patch. She wore the same thing. Last year it fit her as a dress, this year as a shirt. But at least we got 2 years wear out of it, and maybe 2 more for Lainey!

Today the weather was beautiful!! After church Cambry took a nap and I got a pedicure and my nails painted. Such a nice treat! Then we walked to the park and let Cambry play. I have to really just shuffle along so slow because my belly feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. I wanted to make some pumpkin bread tonight but don't have the ingredients so it will have to wait until I go to the store tomorrow. Yay for October fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, love these photos! Beautiful! And so adorable that she wore the same thing last year.... my how she has grown!
