We have been enjoying our week as a family of 4! We spent all day one day at my parents house visiting with them, Ashley, Lauren, and the boys. And what better to do on an October afternoon besides swim? My dad heated the pool and everyone except my mom and I went swimming.
We had a check up for Lainey when she was 3 days old to check her bilirubin levels. Thankfully they were not too high so no more checks. She had a slight risk for jaundice because of the combination of our blood types. At her check up she weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. (52%), was still 21 in. (98%), and head was 71%. Cambry got her flu shot while we were there. I was filling out tons of paperwork for Lainey so Greg had his arms full.
Saturday morning we went out on our first walk. It was nice to put them both in the double stroller. They ended up both falling asleep. Cambry woke up super early that morning so she was tired. I think I was a little too ambitious on the walk because on the way back I started to really regret going so far. And we didn't even really go too far or too fast, but things were hurting. Greg was sweet and jogged back to get the truck so I didn't have to walk all the way home. Baby steps.
Greg's parents stayed with us this weekend. We mostly hung out and watched football, spent some time outdoors, then went to lunch today. Cambry of course loved having lots of attention from Nana and Pops. If either one of them stepped out of the room she would immediately ask about them.
Other than that Lainey has been doing a lot of sleeping. She has been doing great at night so far. The first couple nights I think she ate every 2 hours, but now it has been more like every 3 and sometimes a little longer. She has not cried much at night so that makes things a lot easier. And she has been nursing super fast. Maybe it will start to get longer as her tummy can hold more but for now she only takes about 10 minutes. With Cambry I thought it was more like 30-40 but maybe that was when she was a little bit older.
Cambry has been a good big sister and seems to be adjusting pretty well. She likes to pat Lainey (we have to remind her to do it gently), and will ask to hold her and kiss her. She likes bringing her the paci. She also likes making Lainey's hands do the motions to wheels on the bus. Sometimes she will put the blanket on her head/face, poor Lainey's hair gets pulled, or Cambry will ask us to put her down so we can hold her. But for the most part she is being sweet.
We took newborn pictures so I will try to post those soon. I am also working on typing up Lainey's birth story before I forget all the details. We are so glad to have our Lainey bug here. She is such a sweetheart!
Welcome Lainey!! I'm so happy for you all. And can't wait to hear the birth story.