Sunday, October 20, 2013

Four Days Over-Cooked

Still pregnant.

Each weekend we say - I wonder if this will be our last weekend as a family of 3. Well, they just keep coming folks. But I am thankful for a fun family weekend again. The weather has been gorgeous. Exactly why I love October.

We went to the Bellaire Fall Festival on Saturday. We all had a good time. Cambry went in the bounce house and did several carnival type games. Then she even rode her first ride with Greg. We thought she might get scared but she was begging to do it so we let her. She ended up really liking it.

I took a nap later that day while Cambry took hers. Then I was feeling energized and motivated. I decided I was going to get Lainey to come out. So I walked 3.5 miles around the neighborhood. Well Lainey seems to be completely unphased by my efforts. 

Tomorrow my sister and nephews get here and I am so excited! We all thought I would be out of the hospital and with baby by now but not so. Let's just hope Lainey makes her arrival before they have to fly back!

1 comment:

  1. You look so beautiful! LOVE the scarf! You are doing such a great job waiting patiently and I'm praying for God's perfect bday for the little baby to be SOON! Rejoicing in expectation with you sweet friend!
