Cambry dressed up as a bumble bee for Halloween this year. She did not want to wear her antennae earlier in the day and I forgot to try again for the picture. Oh well, she still looked so cute.
We walked over to a couple of our neighbors houses and then headed off to hang out with our small group. It was fun seeing all the kids in costumes. We didn't ever get to attempt a group picture of all the kids because it was just a little too chaotic. We also didn't end up trick-or-treating because by the time we all got over there and everyone finished eating it was getting pretty late. Oh well, the kids all had fun just playing and I think they are too young to know what they missed out on.
Poor Lainey did not even get her picture taken! We were already running late and Lainey was sleeping and then needed to be fed when we got there. Anyway, somehow I forgot about putting her cupcake hat on to take a picture. Maybe I will just add it to this post later. Sorry Lainey!
What a pretty little bumblebee! Hope she enjoyed her halloween! :)