Happy Happy Day to our sweet, beautiful, smart, hilarious little girl! We love you so so much! I can't believe it has been 2 years since you were born. You have made the last 2 years such a joy to us! What in the world did we do before you??
Well we didn't do a party this year, but you still had a great "Happy Day". We took you to the jump place last week, and then today Gigi and Pa came over. They gave you lots of fun presents. And you get to open a couple more when Daddy gets home tonight.
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Waiting for Gigi and Pa |
At your 2 year check up you were 30 lbs. (86%), 35.5 in. (90%), and head 19.25 in (85%). Very proportionate!
Skills: Well you are just talking non stop as usual. You pick up on words so quickly and it is so fun to really be able to communicate with you. You talk mostly in sentences or phrases now it seems. You also like to jump. Not sure when this started but for a while you could only fake jump. You get both feet off the ground now (although just a little bit) and you like to do it over and over. You are pretty good at saying please and thank you. A lot of times you will say "Thank you much". It also amazes me your skills with technology. You are good at doing things on the iPhone and sometimes you even know the right buttons to push on the tv remote controls.
Likes: Now that it is Christmas time you have really enjoyed looking at lights and decorations. You talk about specific ones we see all the time. You like watching shows - mostly Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Daniel Tiger. You like still love taking care of your mouse and baby all the time - putting on their diapers, rocking, burping, etc. You like to play this game where you say "I'll be back". I ask where you are going and you either say Church, Kroger, the Park, or Target. Haha. Then you turn around to leave, but then stop and say "Hug?". So you come back and give me a hug. Then you take a few steps and then turn around and say "Kiss?". You come back and give me a kiss and say "I love you". Then you leave for a minute in the other room. You come back and say "I back!".
Struggles: One thing you DO NOT like is Lainey crying. As soon as she starts crying you start fussing "No like it! No like it!". In the car if Lainey is crying and you are cry/fussing repeating "No like it" a million times, it is then that I wish I had one of those privacy partitions like in limos that I could raise. Then each of you could just annoy the other and I could drive in peace :)
Schedule: You usually wake up around 7:00 am or sometimes later. Nap time is somewhere around 1pm and it lasts about 2 hours. Bedtime is 7:30pm as usual.
It seems like there are so many other things I should document but I can never think of all your funny things when I am writing these monthly updates. Anyway, we love the little girl that you are and you are a great big sister. You make us laugh all the time and we just love you so much!
Happy (belated) birthday sweet girl!! She is looking SO grown up. And wow, she is talking so much now. Sounds like she is a great big sis too!