Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Wrap Up

Well we have finished with all of the fun and busy Christmas festivities. We enjoyed many Christmas parties throughout December.

Our friends had a party in their back yard complete with roasting s'mores and The Grinch projected on a screen. It was chilly but we were all bundled.

We went to a Christmas party for the youth workers at church and had good food and fun hanging out with the other people there. They always have good food at youth events. We joke about that being the main reason we serve in the youth department :)  Cambry enjoyed playing with books.

We went to Candy Cane Lane, a Christmas festival for kids at our church. When a volunteer made a pipe cleaner candy cane and handed it to Cambry she said "I don't want it". Then during the Bethlehem presentation she kept saying "Back home. Go back home". She only liked the part at the end when she got a candy cane.

Greg's parents came to visit the weekend before Christmas. Cambry was so excited to see Nana and Pops. Greg and his dad assembled all of Cambry's big gifts. It is never a good sign when there is this much hardware included, ha!

Christmas Eve we went to my parent's house and went to church with them. There was a baby near us dressed as Santa. He dropped his glow stick (kids got glow sticks instead of candles) and the parents didn't notice. Cambry noticed and was very concerned. "Baby Santa dropped it! Pick it up! Oh no! I get it!" Repeat in loud voice over and over. She was not interested in sitting still or being quiet and Lainey was fussing so poor Greg sat out in the hall with them most of the service. We didn't do our Christmas Eve tradition of looking at lights because it was getting late. But we had looked at lights several times in December and Cambry really enjoyed it. She constantly talked about all the lights and inflatables.

Christmas morning Cambry got her big gifts at our house. We gave her a table and chairs, Greg's parents gave her a kitchen and my parents gave her a playhouse. So much fun! We had a good breakfast together - breakfast casserole and puff pancake, and Cambry had fun playing with her toys. 

Later that morning we went back to my parent's house where we opened more gifts and had a nice meal together.

I am so thankful for both of our families and for a wonderful Christmas. We get to hang out with the Kimmels this week and I am so excited! Now we are just missing Ashley, but will get to see her soon in January.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful Christmas!! Lucky C, looks like she loved her new gifts. So fun!
