Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

This year I am thankful for:

Jesus Christ who died for my sins so I could have eternal life
Greg - God gave me the very best husband and perfect match for me
A healthy pregnancy and smooth labor and delivery
My precious baby Lainey 
My adorable Cambry
My sweet family who are always there for me
Greg's sweet family that even though they do not live in town at least they are still in driving distance
That we are all healthy and have access to good medical care
Greg's job
Getting to be a SAHM
All the meals we have been blessed with since Lainey's birth
Our home and all our sweet neighbors
Our church and the chance to serve in youth ministry
So many sweet friends

This Thanksgiving we went to Waco to spend time with Greg's family and introduce his brother and sister to Lainey. It was Lainey's first road trip (5 weeks old). The trip there took 4 hrs. and 15 min. Normally it should take 3. But we had an extended stop at Chickfila and another stop to nurse. Lainey cried a lot, but hey, that is to be expected on a car ride with a newborn. The way home was wonderful though. Both girls were perfect!

Greg went hunting with his dad and brother one day while I hung out with his mom and sister and the kids. Cambry had so much fun playing with Hollyn. It was adorable to watch them dance, hold hands, and chase each other all around the house. Cambry would just laugh and laugh. She didn't pay much attention to Anderson but I think once he gets a little older and starts walking she will enjoy him a lot more.

The girls looked so cute on Thanksgiving but this was the best I could get of the two of them. Yep.

Four generations!

We went to the park one afternoon and discovered we can fit three car seats in my car!

We had a great time in Waco and it was such a nice break from the normal routine. Now Christmas season is here and I am so excited for all the fun things coming up this month!

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