Sunday, January 5, 2014

Family Week of Fun

The Kimmels came to visit from Phoenix and we had a whole week of fun! Monday afternoon they came by the house straight from the airport so the cousins could play together.

Then we went and spent the night at my parent's house on Tuesday. We just hung out most of the day watching the littles run around.

That evening the men did some fireworks. When I was growing up we would spend almost every new years eve out in the front yard with neighbors while my Dad did fireworks. We haven't done it in many years so it was fun to do it again. I thought the kids would be scared but they loved it!

Mom was sweet to stay inside and hold Lainey.

After the kids were in bed and we had finished the fireworks we played games together, which is always a Grosse favorite. We didn't quite make it til midnight though. Although Lainey and I were up at 1am and 4am...does that count?

On new years day we ate black eyed peas and cabbage, and took the kids to Monkey Bizness. They had lots of fun jumping around in all the inflatables. And the adults had fun too racing each other in the obstacle course. It was discovered that Lauren has a hidden skill for completing inflatable obstacle courses at lightning fast speed. She beat me, Cody, and Greg. 

Thursday my parents rented a 12 passenger van so we could all ride together to go to Bayou Wildlife Park. We went on this fun little safari type tour where the animals come right up to you and you can feed them. We all loved it.

Then the kids even got to ride a pony and there was a little petting zoo too.

Although I think Cambry's favorite part was seeing the animal poo poo. She is still talking about it. As we were leaving that place she said "Bye bye animal poo poo, see you tomorrow!"

On Friday we took the kids to the roller rink for tot skate time. It was super crowded but everyone had fun.

I am pretty worn out from the week but I am so thankful that they got to visit and we had so much fun together!

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