Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Date Night

Our church offers quarterly childcare for a date night and we finally took advantage of it. I have no idea why we waited so long but I am ready to sign up for the next one. I guess I was nervous how the kids would do staying up late in childcare since it is from 6-10pm. But they actually did great! And it wasn't even that late. We went to dinner at Cavatores, ran by Starbucks to grab coffee, stopped by Cafe Express to get dessert, and made it back to the church before 9. Cambry was full of energy playing in the indoor playground and Lainey was awake and happy. They said she cried for a bit but she did drink all her bottle and was happy when we got her. Overall it was a great night just the two of us with good conversation and good food!

The only bad part was that I decided to try eating a little dairy to see if it really would upset Lainey. Well I had bread (that was soaked in butter) and I'm sure my chicken was cooked in butter, and then I had a chocolate chip cookie for dessert. For the past 4 days Lainey has been super fussy and seems to have tummy issues again. I guess I need to stay strict on my no-dairy diet!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is awesome your church offers that! I need to see if mine does, too! Haha! Oh and that stinks about the no dairy. Butter is everything! Haha.
