Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Christ is Risen! Happy Easter! We had a great weekend celebrating Christ's resurrection and having fun family time.

We started off with some Easter fun earlier in the week with our small group. We had an egg hunt for the kids and they were so cute running all over the backyard. Kristen read them the Easter story while they all (sort of) sat on the couch. 

Then on Friday Greg's mom came to visit and stayed the night with us. We did a little shopping on Friday and then went to a fun park in the Heights on Saturday. Cambry had a blast and we discovered that Lainey loves to swing. She stayed in there at least 20 minutes completely relaxed and then started to doze off!

Sunday morning we somehow made it to the 8am service at our church. We knew the 9:15 would be super crowded so we went early. It was a great service and not crowded at all. Cambry was the only one in her classroom when we dropped her off.

We came home and attempted to take a family picture. It did not go well. I won't name names but someone was not in the mood to take a picture. The pictures only got worse from here.

Later we gave Cambry her Easter basket. Lainey had one too but wasn't aware of it. I shared their DIY Easter baskets on Houston Moms Blog recently here.

My parents came over and brought a ham. I made the sides - scalloped potatoes, lima beans (a Grosse tradition), salad, and Nana's chocolate chip cake. We dyed eggs, Cambry had an egg hunt, and then she had fun crushing the confetti eggs that Gigi brought. Cambry was in just a diaper pretty much all day. I think it started when she used the glitter paints she got in her Easter basket. So much for cute pictures hunting for eggs. And Lainey was so good the whole day. In fact she has really become a different baby lately. But more on that in her 6 month post coming soon.

Doesn't Cambry look thrilled to be taking a picture? She was all wet and cold after being hosed off due to chocolate everywhere.

We had a great weekend and are so thankful for Easter. I saw this video someone shared online and I thought it was great.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect Easter weekend! Beautiful girls as always.
