Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Camping Ritz Style

We went camping over Mother's Day weekend for the first time wtih the girls. I like camping, although there are certain aspects I am not fond of - such as bugs, lack of showers, and sleeping on the ground. BUT, we got to go with my parents in their new RV. Now THAT is my kind of camping :)

We were roughin it. I like to call it the Marriott on Wheels. Kyler likes to call it the Magic Bus.

We had fun hiking on trails and enjoying the scenery. It was hot, but not unbearable. The girls had fun.

The girls did great on the drive there and back. We had them in their car seats the whole time even though by law you don't have to in the RV. They slept most of the way. Probably because they didn't sleep much at night! Poor Lainey was very congested and could not keep her paci in so she would wake up crying throughout the night. Overall though it was a lot of fun and I definitely want to try it again.

Thankful to spend Mother's Day with my sweet mom and with my girls!

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