Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July

I have gotten so behind on blogging lately. I always have things I want to post and I there are always memories I want to capture and document but it seems like I just don't have the time to do it lately.

We had a fun extended weekend. Greg got to come home early on Thursday and he had Friday off so it felt like such a long break. His parents came in on Thursday and stayed 2 nights with us. Cambry of course loved having her Grandparents here. I'm sure Lainey loved it too but she is kind of too little to really appreciate it. We got frozen yogurt on Thursday night. There is a new place right by our house that opened recently and we have already gone 3 times. It is so good! Cambry and I shared but she was too much of a piglet (or maybe I was!) so I had to go back and get my own. I think everyone needs their own cup from now on :)

Friday we hung around the house, and Greg and his dad went shooting. Later we shopped around Highland Village and then ate at PF Changs. Cambry was loving the fried rice. We didn't watch any fire works because they started so late and we figured it would be too difficult keeping Lainey up. We watched a movie but I fell asleep. Oops. Then on Saturday Greg's mom and I got pedicures. I hadn't had one since before Lainey was born so it was a nice treat.

We couldn't get both girls smiling at the same time but they still look cute.

Later Saturday night we met up with friends for dinner at one of our favorite kid friendly places - Ruggles Green. They had a band out there and the bubble machine and Cambry kept wanting to play in the fountains. Then this evening we had some friends over for dinner and Greg smoked ribs. We had fun chatting while the girls played together. I think this was probably our fullest weekend we have had in a long time, but it was nice to see lots of friends and family.

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