Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anniversary, Potty Training, and Crazy Hair

This weekend was Greg's parents' 40th anniversary and his Dad's birthday. We all surprised them with a family dinner at this cute restaurant in Waco. We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out and watching the kids have a blast. Cambry LOVES playing with her cousins. She just wears herself out running around and being so silly. We put Lainey and Cambry to sleep in the same room for the first time there and it actually worked out! That is a good sign because they will probable end up sharing a room eventually.

Cambry has hit some big girl milestones recently. In July she became potty trained! It was a miracle of God. Seriously. Greg was in Florida for Rush Week with the youth group, and I was not planning on potty training at all. Cambry had shown varying levels of interest over the last 6 months but nothing consistent so we never pushed it. Well one day she just started telling me every time she needed to go. So I put her in undies and we have never looked back, even at night (knock on wood!). But really, I think God was just super gracious to us and made this the easiest process ever. I am so thankful! We let her pick out a toy from ToysRUs to celebrate being potty trained and she picked a little toy minivan. She loves loading up all her people and Minnie Mouse and Daisy. She plays with it constantly. We are so proud of our big girl! We also took the front rail off her crib. She is very proud of her big girl bed.

Oh Lainey Bear. She is just the cutest. I love her hair. It keeps growing longer, but mainly just the top part. The back and sides are still pretty short. But it is just so adorable. I put it in a little pony tail on top of her head the other day and when I took out the pony tail it looked like this. So funny.

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