Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lainey's First Birthday Party

We celebrated Lainey's birthday at the beginning of the month when Greg's parents were in town. My parents came over after church on Sunday and we had a little family party.

Greg grilled fajitas for lunch, and we followed it up with cupcakes. The birthday girl had a small smash cake too. Dairy free soy free, of course :) I knew she wouldn't really eat it since she will not eat any solids, but I still wanted to make her one for tradition sake. It is possible that she has grown out of her allergy (we pray!), but we have not given her dairy yet. We will be trying that soon though.

Lainey mostly softly patted her cake, and showed general displeasure when we tried to put icing in her mouth. Maybe next year folks.

The grandparents gave Lainey lots of fun new toys, which she has been enjoying lately. Then birthday girl was worn out so she finished off the afternoon with a nap.

We are so thankful for this past year with our sweet girl! Love you baby bear!

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