Monday, December 1, 2014

Cambry's 3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated this precious girl a little early this year. She doesn't turn 3 for a couple more weeks but we had her party in November. December just gets so busy with Christmas festivities and since we had her party at a park we were hoping for nicer weather in November. Well the weather turned out to be bad on Saturday. 100% chance of rain, severe thunderstorms, and even a tornado watch in nearby counties. So that was a bit stressful deciding what to do. We ended up moving the party to Sunday and the weather was beautiful. Super warm for November but just perfect for the party.

The park is really nice and has a cute little pond with ducks.

I wish I had thought to take a group picture of all the kids. She had so many sweet friends come out to her party. 

We all sang to the birthday girl in sunglasses :)

Greg's parents and Jill and Hollyn and Anderson came to stay with us for the weekend. Cambry could not get enough of her cousins. They were so cute together. Anderson and Lainey especially loved eachother. He was so sweet and interested in her. She would just love on him and pat him.

We are so thankful for our sweet almost-3-year-old! I will have to do a separate post in a couple weeks when she actually turns 3 of all her favorite things.

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