Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Jammies and Bedtime Routines

My mom got the girls matching Christmas jammies and they are so cute. I love babies/kids in jammies. Makes me just want to cuddle them.

Lainey always has the BEST hair after bath. It gets kinda wavy and curly. I wish it stayed like that all day. She still usually has a little wave throughout the day but other times it gets pretty straight.

Bedtime routine is pretty simple around here. Usually we just read books. Then we say goodnight and leave the room. Approximately 15-20 seconds after we walk out Cambry starts calling "Moooommmmyyyyy.....Daaaaaaaddddddyyyy" in a sing song voice. We usually wait it out for a while, then go in. She has a variety of excuses she rotates though.

I forgot to give you a hug.

I forgot to give you a kiss.

You forgot to give me a hug.

You forgot to give me a kiss.

My toes aren't covered up.

My blanket is dragging on the ground.

I don't want this doll in here. Put it in the playroom.

I need Anna (or Snow White or Rapunzel etc).

Is it morning time yet?

I need a sip of water. (we keep her water cup 1.5 inches away from her bed)

My nail is coming off.

I need to tell you something.

You get the point. I guess we could just totally ignore her but sometimes I am just so curious to see what her latest excuse is. We have fun taking turns going in there and laughing at all the funny things she says.

A new thing I want to start at bedtime is praying scripture over the girls. At our last Divine Design of the semester we had a mom come and talk to us about how she prays scripture over her kids all the time. She prays a couple verses over them before bed each night and has done it every since they were little. She talked about how they quickly memorized so much scripture this way just by hearing it once every night. She would do the same verse(s) for about a month or so. She suggested Deuteronomy 6:5 as a good verse to start with. I am really excited about this. I am hoping this will encourage me to memorize scripture and maybe Cambry will start picking it up too!

I pray that you, Cambry/Lainey, would "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" Deut 6:5

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