Sunday, May 3, 2015

Boy Oh Boy

Well we found out a couple weeks ago that we are having a BOY!! We are so excited! At 10 weeks I took the Verifi blood test that checks for risk of down syndrome and a few other common chromosome abnormalities. It also tells the gender! The results took a little over a week and they were ready while Greg was in Japan on a business trip. He wanted to wait until he was home to find out together. So I asked the nurse to leave me a voice mail with the gender. I was dying to listen to it as I had to wait 5 more days for him to get home. It was killing me! I went to Happy Fatz to get some cake balls made so I let them listen to the voice mail. Again, I was dying to know. They were so sweet and excited for me when I picked them up. As soon as Greg came home from the airport we bit into the cake balls and were so thrilled to see blue!! Although Cambry was hoping for pink she ended up being excited about the blue.

I had actually been hoping for a boy. And Greg was for sure hoping for a boy. Of course we both would have been so happy for a girl too, but it is really neat to add a boy to the family. I am excited for Greg to experience the father/son bond like I have gotten to experience the mother/daughter bond. And I am happy for him to have a hunting, fishing, and athletic buddy. Of course the girls could do those things too but a boy may enjoy them more. I have been checking out the baby boy clothes when I am in a store and it is making me SO excited.

I have also been brainstorming ideas for the nursery. We will move Lainey into Cambry's room so brother can take the nursery. I really don't have to change a ton. The walls are already light blue and the rug and curtains will stay. The stencil is a little feminine but I can't bring myself to paint over it so I think it will stay. I will need to get new bedding and something for the walls. I found these wall signs on Etsy that I want to get something similar made.

We have been brainstorming names but haven't settled on anything yet. It is neat to know the gender so early this time. I had to wait until 19 weeks to find out with both girls. I feel like I have a lot to do to prepare for this boy so I am glad for the extra time. Yay for blue!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting, Jana!!! And you have the patience of a saint to hold out that long :) xo
