Thursday, June 18, 2015

Another Random List

1. We celebrated Greg's birthday a few days early on Saturday. I made breakfast, then we went out to run a few errands. After lunch Greg opened his gift and we had birthday cake. Cambry and I made him a beach cake and she had so much fun making and decorating it. She was very excited to show him.

That night we had a babysitter watch the girls while we went out. We ate dinner at Zelco Bistro then walked around Whole Earth Provisions. It is such a fun store to browse. We ended up buying a number of small things for the girls for our upcoming vacation with Greg's family. We will have a 2 hour flight and a 3 hour drive. Not too bad but it's always nice to have a few new things to help keep the kids entertained. My mom always gave us goodie bags on our vacations (we drove for days) and I loved it.

2. Cambry is doing her weekly swim lessons. We have had 4 lessons and lesson 3 was the first and only one without tears. I really hope she starts to feel more comfortable. I hate to make her do something she doesn't like but I want her to learn how to be safe in the water. She is always happy at the end but at the same time she tells me she doesn't like it.

3. I am back to cooking dinners now that I am not horribly nauseous anymore. But I feel like I have forgotten what to cook. I have plenty of recipes on Pinterest or other places but I somehow feel tired of them all. Maybe I am just tired! Where is that second trimester energy? It is non existent.

4. Lainey is such a cutie. The other day she was watching Peppa pig like this. She didn't stay like that too long but it cracked me up. Then today I found her in our room chilling on a pillow. You know, just relaxing.

5. We are not very close to picking out a boy name. Ahhh it is so hard.

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