Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Phoenix Trip

At the end of April we flew out to Phoenix to visit my sister's family. This was our first visit to see the Kimmels since they had moved to Arizona. We found the best deal on flights...although we had to fly out of Dallas. But it was very worth the drive there. The girls did really good traveling. Lainey got pretty squirmy on the plane but overall good.

The cousins had fun playing together and Cambry was introduced to Star Wars books. She still talks about them sometimes. Lainey was in love with Duma (the dog). She would not leave the dog alone and just loved to be licked all over the face. Gross.

Poor Cambry hurt her leg the first night we were there. We aren't even sure how. There was no major incident. I think she was just running playing in the house. She stopped walking on it. The next day she still wouldn't walk on it and was crying about it a lot so we took her to urgent care. They did x-rays and it was not broken but said it was a knee sprain. She ended up not walking on it for an entire week. It was so pitiful. Poor thing would just play in one spot forever and then ask to be carried to the table or to another room, etc. But she never seemed sad like she was missing out on anything. It did make for an interesting time at the airport on the way home though. Since neither girl could walk (Lainey hadn't learned to walk quite yet) and we only had the single stroller, it was a juggling act to transport 2 children, 2 car seats, 2 suitcases, and carry-on bags. And I was exhausted and nauseous. That was fun.

We drove to Sedona one day to do some hiking and it was so beautiful. How amazing is it that these 3 ginormous car seats fit in the back row of this Explorer so we could all ride together?!

Here are the preggo sisters! We are due about a week apart. We love to do things close together to make our parents nervous. Weddings were 5 months apart. Babies could possibly be days apart. Although my babies come late and she will have c-section so don't worry mom - you can make it to Phoenix and then back to Houston no prob. 

We had a really fun time and the Kimmels were great hosts. I think this may need to be an annual thing.


  1. I would recommend space Miami events to anyone who is looking for a great spot or place to go and attend an event while eating and trying lesser known things. Prices are very reasonable and the staff is great!

  2. Looks like you guys had an amazing trip to Phoenix, the nature out there in that part of the country is truly amazing. My wife and I will be travelling out to Texas in the next few weeks to go on our Honey Moon, we have been putting it off for so long! Thank you for the inspiration and blog.

    Waylon Buser @ U.S. HealthWorks Oakland
