Saturday, July 18, 2015

25 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #3

Well I forgot to take my 24 week picture last weekend and then continued to forget each night after that. We had a busy week. Since I am 25 weeks now we will just skip last week's update.

Lainey (left), Cambry (right)

How Far Along: 25 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Rutabaga?

Maternity Clothes: Yes, mostly all. Although the top I am wearing in the picture is non-maternity but super flowy (thanks Target).

Movement: The movement is getting stronger. I love to feel him wiggling around.

Sleep: Great. I have had a couple dreams lately that I was in labor about to have the baby. I was so excited to meet him. Then when I woke up I was so sad that I still had 15 weeks left before meeting him.

Symptoms: Still a little lingering nausea but not bad. Always tired. I can barely make it through the day without a nap.

Food Aversions/Cravings: Milk. Mmm give me more milk.

Best Moment this Week / Baby Prep Progress: It is late right now so I can't really remember what we have done the past couple mind is mush. But we did set up Cambry's big girl bed and she loves it. I love it too. It is the cutest, girly-est bedding. I bought some things for the wall for the girls' room and for baby boy's room that I need to hang.

What I miss: Feeling normal and having energy.

What I am Looking Forward to: Going to the beach!

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