Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Daddy Daughter Camping Trip

Greg took Cambry camping last week at Huntsville State Park. This was his second time to take her camping and she loved it. I think it is the sweetest thing and I am so thankful for a man who is willing to plan this special time with his daughter. Cambry was looking forward to this trip so much. They were supposed to go with 2 other daddies and daughters but one of the girls got sick so it was just one other daddy/daughter. They stayed one night and had lots of fun exploring, roasting s'mores, spotting alligators, cooking hot dogs, the girls playing together, and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Powdered sugar donuts: the aftermath
This picture melts my heart.

They had a great time and Lainey and I enjoyed some time together alone. Happy campers!

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