Friday, October 30, 2015

First Week

Well things have been quite busy around here with 3! With your first child the world slows down and everything seems to be put on hold for a while. Now with the 3rd one nothing slows down. There is still preschool drop off and pick up, therapies to go to, doctor appointments, grocery shopping to do, and birthday parties to attend. But things have been going really well this week and Colton has been a super sweet baby. He has been doing great at night- usually doing about 3 hr stretches between feeds. Last night may have been a stand alone miracle - but he only woke up once! I fed home before I went to bed, then at 3am, then when he woke up sometime after 7.

The girls have been doing well this week too. Cambry has been sweet and tells me all the time how cute he is. Lainey has been pretty good although she has recently learned to throw the classic 2 year old fit at the slightest thing. She is sometimes very interested in Colton but I cannot leave her unattended with him because she tends to give him too much love (attempting to climb in the bouncer with him, not-so-gentle pats on the head, putting toys/objects on him, taking away his blanket, etc).

Newborns are just the cutest. I love to snuggle him and stare at his sweet face. I often look at him and think how in the world did he fit in my tummy?? Such a miracle. Speaking of tummy, Cambry has asked me several times why mine is still big, haha. That takes time my dear.

I forget just how much newborns sleep in the beginning. I keep worrying that he is sleeping too much during the day and it might prevent him from sleeping well at night but that is just what newborns do. It is adorable though.

Colton has had 2 baths so far at home and I think he liked them. He made an angry face during bath but he didn't cry for the most part so he must have enjoyed the warm water.

I can't really tell who he looks like. Most people say the see Cambry in him. Sometimes I do, other times I don't see it much at all. He definitely has her coloring though. She had about that same hair color when she was born and the super light eyebrows. He does have a little bit of a chin dimple, but not as pronounced as Lainey's. 

I love this precious boy!

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