Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Baby Snuggles, Diapers, Danger, and Other Things

Baby Snuggles

They are the best. My favorite is when he sleeps with his head on my chest. I think it is his favorite too. Newborns are so precious. I wish I could hold this little one all day long.


We are going through diapers like no body's business. Thanks to Facebook I heard of a great diaper deal at Target so we had a mother load of diapers arrive at our door. Our neighbor even called to say umm you have some large boxes sitting by your front door. So large boxes got turned into a house, well actually a post office. Cambry would make me come to the window and pick up all my deliveries.


It is a constant effort to keep the house clean. And by clean I just mean semi-picked-up. I can't do real cleaning right now. So I just follow Lainey around picking up things all day. Does anyone remember this scene from Home Alone? 

Sometimes I feel like I am being booby trapped.

Grocery Shopping

I went to Kroger last week for the first time with all three kids. They all did wonderfully. Luckily I found a car cart and Colton slept in the Bjorn the whole time like this. Everything went so smoothly I am a little worried it can only get worse from here, ha!

Packed Car

Preschool drop off and pick up requires a lot of unloading and loading time. Thankfully Cambry's school is very close to our house, but I have to go inside and sign her into her classroom. This means clicking Colton's car seat into the stroller, tightly holding Lainey's hand and making sure she doesn't go into a random classroom, and trying to convince Cambry to carry her own lunch box because I have my hands full. Anyway, the other day all 3 kids were asleep by the time we got home. Colton had been asleep the whole time but Cambry and Lainey had fallen asleep on the 2 minute drive home. Literally 2 minutes. But they all transferred inside and continued their naps so I took one too! Not sure if it will happen again for the 4 of us to nap at the same time so I had to document it.

Poor Lainey has sick for a while now with a bad cold so she has been extra fussy. But overall things have been going really well and we are enjoying our 3 little ones!

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