Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Very Merry Birthday

My birthday was a couple weeks ago and it was such a fun day. Greg took off work which was wonderful. We went to breakfast at Buffalo Grill, one of our favorites. We ate a ton of yummy food and so did the girls. Colton slept the whole time, as he usually does when we are out and about.

After breakfast we headed across the street to Second Baptist to see the train display. It was amazing! I had no idea they had such a big set up. The girls really liked it and they had a scavenger hunt where the kids had to find certain things in the display. Colton slept through this too.

We headed back home and then I left to do some Christmas shopping...alone! Woo hoo! It is amazing how quickly you can get in and out of a store by yourself.

Later that evening we went to Celebration (the Christmas show) at our Church and my parents came with us. Lainey went in childcare but Cambry watched it with us this year. The show was fantastic and Cambry loved it too. She asked a bunch of questions and couldn't wait for Mary and Joseph to come out. We thought Colton would sleep through the whole thing but he was actually awake for most of it. Thankfully he didn't cry at all. He is such a sweet baby.

I am thankful for another birthday!

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