Saturday, December 19, 2015

Cambry 4 years

Our sweet girl is 4 years old! This is such a fun age. I love seeing how her mind works and all the things she is learning. Our conversations amaze me. She cracks me up with the things she says and the big words she uses sometimes. Cambry talks all day long, especially when Daddy gets home. She will say "1 2 3 Listen to me!" (like her teacher says) when Greg and I talk to each other.

She wakes up around 7am and comes crawling into bed if I am still sleeping. She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. She goes to school Tues/Wed/Thur from 9am-1pm.

Since school started she has been learning to write letters and likes to practice writing her name and other words. Cambry seems to really enjoy school and gets along great with all her classmates. All the kids are so sweet and I love to see them interacting. When I drop her off or pick her up it is so sweet to hear the other kids saying "Hi Cambry!" or "Bye Cambry!".

She has a wonderful imagination and could spend all day inside playing with her little people and doll house dolls making up adventures for them. She likes for Greg or I to play too but has very specific rules about which dolls can do what and where they can be placed, etc. She also likes crafts or anything that involves coloring, stickers, painting, or jewels.

She is very opinionated about clothes. She prefers dresses over anything else and has a few favorite dresses that she likes to wear over and over again. She doesn't really like to wear bows anymore, but does like me to braid her hair.

Cambry is a sweet big sister and helper. She often tells Colton how cute and adorable he is. And she is sweet to Lainey and likes to be silly with her and help her with things. She likes to help when I sweep and likes to wipe the table. She will occasionally ask "Is there anything I can do to help you?".

Here are the same questions we asked Cambry last year...

Favorite color: Purple and pink

Favorite food: Peanut butter sandwich

Favorite movie: Frozen, and Strawberry Shortcake (tv show)

Favorite thing to do with Daddy: Play dollhouse

Favorite thing to do with Mommy: Play beauty salon (I am the beauty salon owner and her dollhouse people are the customers)

Favorite thing to do with Lainey: Play with her

Favorite thing to do with Colton: Give him hugs and kisses

Favorite toy: Dollhouse

Favorite store: Kroger

What do you want to do when you grow up: Help wash dishes

Favorite Disney Princess: Anna and Elsa

Favorite animal: Elephant

Happy 4th Birthday Cambry Paige! We love you so much!

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