Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas for 5

We had a wonderful first Christmas as a family of 5! We stayed at our house for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and it was nice and relaxed. Christmas Eve we mostly hung out around the house and then went to the 6pm church service. They didn't have childcare so we had the whole crew together. Lainey didn't even make it to the start of the sermon. She did NOT want to sit still so Greg took her in the lobby. Colton was good and sort of in and out of sleep. After the service we changed the kids into their pajamas and headed to Starbucks. I nursed Colton while Greg got our coffee drinks and milk steamers for the kids. Then we went to look at Christmas lights. It was so warm that evening so we were practically sweating drinking coffee and the kids in their fleece pajamas. Colton cried a lot, which is unusual for him. Lainey was kinda fussy too. Christmas cheer! But we did enjoy seeing some good lights while listening to Christmas music. This is my favorite tradition.

My parents came over early Christmas morning. I made a big breakfast casserole and red velvet pancakes. We kept the living room doors closed and the  girls waited patiently to see what Santa brought.

After breakfast we went in the living room to open the gifts. Christmas with kids is so much fun. I love seeing their excitement. They opened stockings first and then we took our time opening all the gifts and playing with them. It was a beautiful warm day so we spent a lot of time outside with Cambry on her new bike and Lainey with her plasma car. Colton slept so much that day. I think he hit a growth spurt because he did a lot of nursing and sleeping. We ate a big meal with my parents in the afternoon. It was such a wonderful Christmas!

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