Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Part II and NYE

The week after Christmas we packed up (almost everything we own) and headed to Waco for a couple days to celebrate with Greg's family. Colton has been a champ with traveling. We have gone to Waco twice since he was born and both times he slept the whole time there and back! I can't even believe it. It is so nice that the Aunts and Uncles and cousins and Mimi all live close by so we get to see the whole crew at once. The girls absolutely love it there.

They spoiled us with gifts as usual. And Jill had prepared some really fun group games that we played. 

Colton really is such a good baby. He was happy with all the attention and chaos and did a lot of napping.

Uncle Jamo participated in the coloring (actually I think we all did) and Aunt Mel Mel gave Colton some aggie training.

On New Year's Eve we did the Waco Escape Room. It was so much fun. A good family friend was so nice to watch the kids for us. Well except for Hollyn who came with us and Colton who came and slept through the whole thing. We didn't make it out but we came SO CLOSE. Now I am dying to try out one in Houston.

We didn't quite make it to midnight but we had a great NYE!

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