Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

The Easter festivities started on Thursday with Cambry's school egg hunt and party. I had signed up to help with the party along with another mom. We had the kids make edible Easter gardens - pudding, dirt (crushed Oreos), grass (green coconut flakes), robins eggs, and gummy worms. We did gardens because that's where things come to life, and we are celebrating Jesus coming to life! Then the kids made cute bunny hats. I love seeing Cambry at school interacting with her classmates. It is sweet how they are like a little family almost.

Friday evening we dyed eggs. At what age does this become non-stressful? Just kidding, it was in the backyard so it was fine. But still, there was Lainey + lots of colored paint + cups filled with water + eggs. They turned out very pretty and everyone had fun. Well, except for Colton who was napping during this event.

Saturday I went to a baby sprinkle brunch while Greg took the kids to the park. In the afternoon we made resurrection rolls.

Sunday morning the girls got their Easter baskets and then we got ready and headed to church. BTW, Sorry Colton. According to Instagram you are the only baby that didn't get a basket. Maybe next year, buddy.. Pastor Gregg gave a great message at church and I loved seeing all the kids in their Easter best. 

Greg's head got a little cut off in this picture but it was the best we could do with the self timer on the camera and people getting cranky and bit by mosquitoes.

My parents came over in the afternoon and we hung out, cooked the meal, and had an egg hunt. 

Cutest boy ever.

Lainey was too busy eating all her candy to smile for a picture.

I am thankful for a wonderful weekend with amazing weather, surrounded by sweet family to celebrate our risen Savior!

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