Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Great Outdoors

We have had the best weather in February! Usually it is one of my least favorite months, (no offense, Feb) but I have really enjoyed it this year.

A couple of weekends ago we went to Buffalo Bayou Park. It was really neat with all the trails and beautiful views of downtown. I really wish we could paddle the kayaks down the bayou but what are we gonna do with our 3 littles? File that under the category of WhyDidn'tWeDoThatBeforeWeHadKids.

We took our time exploring with Cambry and Colton in the stroller and Lainey in the backpack carrier. We packed a lunch and enjoyed a family picnic.

Last weekend Greg took Cambry camping. This was their 3rd Daddy-Daughter camping trip. They went to Huntsville State park with several other daddies and kids. I am so glad that he does this with her. She absolutely loves it. Maybe in the fall Lainey can join too. Right now she is just a little too wild/dangerous/freespirit/hippie for camping. And I really can't imagine her laying down and just going to sleep in a tent. She would probably be doing tripods and trying to wrestle and squirm all over the place. Oh Lainey bear.

They arrived Friday afternoon and stayed until lunch time on Saturday. They ate hot dogs and roasted s'mores and I even got a video of Evie telling hilarious campfire stories. 

I really love that Cambry wears skirts and dresses to go camping.

I snagged this one from Lindsay's instagram. Apparently we are the only parents who haven't bought their child a scooter? I guess we missed that memo. Oh well. Cambry likes her trike and claims she doesn't want a scooter. 

 Everyone took turns with the kayaks. Looks like they were a hit!

Everyone had a great time and hopefully the next trip in a couple months will be just as fun.

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