Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May Catch Up

Cambry started up with swim lessons a couple weeks ago. She took them last year and we stopped in September when school started. We are back again and hoping to get her more comfortable in the water. I'm so proud of how brave she has been.

We recently visited family in Waco. Colton has outgrown his infant days of sleeping the whole drive there and back so there was some crying and nursing stops, but overall traveling was not too bad. The cousins were excited to see eachother. Jameson brought a dance video game that we all had fun with. And the adults got to stay up late playing poker after the kids went to bed one night.

The girls (minus Michelle, we missed you!) did a little shopping at a couple cute junk stores. Waco has so many of these type stores and I love them. I can't seem to find hardly any stores like this in Houston. I found this decorative arched box that my MIL ended up buying for me. I bought glass bottles and floral stems for it and it is a fun new addition to my table. 

I took all 3 kids to the zoo for the first time and it was a lot of fun. We met Lindsay and her boys there. Apparently every school in Houston took their field trip there that day too. So we parked far far away but thank goodness for the Ergo and the double stroller. Colton was perfect the whole time. The girls had fun, except Cambry did not like the splash pad. I think the water was too cold for her. Lainey did not want to leave the water. We all had a great time though.

We tried out a new (to us) restaurant in the Heights that we loved. The food was yummy but the biggest selling point was the kid play area in the back! The girls ate a little bit and then played with the toys for the rest of the meal. It was basically like we were on a date. Well except for the fact that we were holding a baby. But he is a cute baby with adorable thighs so it was fine. We will definitely be back to Maryam's soon!

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