Friday, June 17, 2016

First Few Weeks of Summer

Lainey went in for her eye check up recently and everything looked great! I can't believe it has been 2 years since her strabismus surgery. She gets her eyes checked every 6 months and it makes me a little nervous each time. But thankfully there was no need for glasses at this time and her alignment looks good!

June 2014
Nana and Pops came to visit us recently. We enjoyed their company and the kids loved all the attention from their grandparents. We didn't do anything too exciting but we ran a few errands and ate at Ruggles for dinner.

This summer we have been spending a lot of time at indoor playgrounds. Our church and another nearby church both have nice play areas that we have been putting to good use. They are much safer than outdoor playgrounds for Lainey, they are air conditioned, free, and provide physical activity for the girls. Colton enjoys watching his sisters run around. I am reminded what a joy it is to have siblings. Cambry and Lainey love playing with eachother when we go places and I know Colton will be joining in on the fun one day too.

Greg and I had a date night a couple weeks ago when our church had PNO. We tried out a new restaurant called Provisions, then ended the night at Black Walnut for coffee and dessert. The kids were all wide awake when we picked them up from child care but they did good!

Colton still hates all baby food. Here is his reaction to applesauce. APPLESAUCE. It was as if I gave him pureed Brussel sprouts. BUT he has been a wonderful sleeper at night so I forgive him for hating all food.

I have been trying to be more active lately and get the girls more active too. Cambry would be perfectly content staying at home all day playing with her dollhouse dolls. She has a wonderful imagination and is very creative in her play. But I know it is good for her to get a little exercise and Lainey too. That's why we have been going to the indoor playground often and we have been going on a lot of family walks after dinner. Greg and I are like the stroller club bringing the single and double stroller since all the kids love to ride. Cambry does get out towards the end and jog/walk a little ways so that's something. Although the first night we tried it out Greg carried Lainey in the hiking carrier, Colton wouldn't stop crying so Greg held him too, and Cambry was grumpy because she wanted to be in the black stroller, not the green. Basically we were all miserable while pressing on in the name of family fun. But all our other walks have been great and I have been enjoying the exercise.

And finally, a big change is coming for our family. We are moving to the Woodlands! I will have to write a separate post about that later with details but it is keeping us busy with all the logistics. I think it will be a good thing for us but we are sad to leave our family, friends, church, neighbors, therapists, doctors, preschool, and everything here.

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