Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Home Sweet Wooded Home

We are in our new home in the Woodlands! We have only been here a week and a half but with all our people and stuff it is already feeling like home.

I actually wasn't super sad moving out of our old house. I think the sad part was all the goodbyes to friends and neighbors, which we had already done. I will definitely miss our old house though and all the sweet memories in it. It was the first house Greg and I lived in (besides apartments), and the house we brought our 3 little ones home to. I wonder if Cambry will even remember it. I moved houses when I was 4 years old and I do have some memories of what our old house looked like. Good thing we have 200,000 pictures over the years for the kids to remember it by. On our last night at the house we went to get ice cream at Ice Cream Robins (as Cambry calls it).

Moving day was overwhelming. Thankfully we had wonderful help from both sides of the family. Greg's parents kept the girls in Waco for several days. They were thrilled about this. Cambry had been counting down the days until she saw her Waco family. My parents kept Colton all day on moving day.

The actual move went smoothly with the movers, but then we were left with a whole house to unpack and clean and several immediate projects to do (install baby gate on stairs ASAP, install clothes rods in closets, install light/fan, put up some temporary window shades, etc.). We worked non stop for the 3 day weekend and got a lot done! Colton was busy exploring the new house and "helping" us.

Found this box packed by Greg, obviously
The girls came home on Sunday and were excited to see the new place. Actually Cambry went straight to the playroom and started playing with the new toy we bought the girls. She was content to play for quite a while before even wanting to see the rest of the house or her room. She eventually saw the rest of the house and was excited about everything.

So far I really like our new area. We visited a cute nearby park and splash pad. Lainey has finally discovered the joy of the splash pad! She has been scared of them in the past, which we couldn't believe since she loves playing with water. But she has gotten over her fear and now delights in them. This was Colton's first time to go and he loved it. I had to continually pull him back from putting his whole head and face right in the water.

We also discovered a "secret trail" on our street in between 2 houses. Everything here is hidden behind tons of trees so you always feel like you are in the middle of nature. It is so fun walking to a park on such a wooded path. I am looking forward to some cooler weather and less mosquitoes. They are fierce here.

We went out to eat over the weekend in Market Street, and then let the kids play in the splash pad there afterward. They had so much fun.

We tried out a new church Sunday and really enjoyed it. We plan to try out a number of others as well. It is so strange being the visitor. But at least we get to take advantage of visitor parking!

Today we went to the Children's museum. It is much smaller than the one in Houston but was fun and was only 7 minutes away! And I didn't have to get on any big roads! Such a difference from Houston. Cambry even saw a friend from her preschool class there and they were so excited to run into eachother. They grabbed hands and ran off to do their own thing.

We still have lots to unpack and nothing is hung on our walls and our living room is empty. Like, really empty. No couch or chair or coffee table. And so is our dining room because we didn't have a dining room before. So I need to buy some furniture soon and my mom has been helping me brainstorm some decorating ideas. There are a lot of projects I want to do around here but it will just take time. I'll post some before and after pictures of the remodel soon.

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