Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Learning the Woods

I can't believe we have been here almost a month. Time has flown by. I expected things to be fairly slow since we have so few commitments here but our house is keeping us quite busy. And with Colton and Lainey's alternating nap rotation it is really hard to run errands during the day so I have been doing some in the evenings. I have also spent a ton of time lately browsing the web for furniture, bath mats, art on Etsy, Halloween costumes, you name it. Here is what we have been up to the past few weeks.

1. Greg's parents came to stay with us last weekend. They were very sweet to help us with house projects and watch the kids while Greg and I went furniture shopping. We enjoyed spending time with them. Cambry was so sad to see them leave. These kiddos sure do adore their grandparents.

2. We are slowly learning our way around. It is hard because the roads look so similar since they are all just lined with trees. You can be 30 yards from a Target and be yelling in your car where is the stinking Target??

3. I really love Cambry's school. It is a small church and all the teachers and staff are so loving and sweet. Cambry does gymnastics there on Friday and seems to really like it. Car line is amazingly convenient. The only downfall is I don't get to see and talk to the other parents so I haven't made any friends through her school except for meeting/talking to a few of the moms a couple times. I did go to the first monthly play date and will try to do some volunteering so hopefully over time I will get to know some other moms.

4. We have lots of little projects to do around the house. With 3 little ones, everything takes way longer than expected. Greg has been super handy and has done a lot of things around here lately. He always has little helpers. I love when things start to feel like home.

Other than that we are just doing the usual thing. We are trying to get speech therapy going for Lainey. Colton is all over the place and I cannot believe the birthday buddies are about to have their big day coming up soon. And here we are upon October, my favorite month!

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