Wednesday, November 30, 2016


We have had a fun month. Even though it's not even December, I feel like we are already into the Christmas festivities. It was hard to remember what we did earlier this month but thank goodness for iphone pics. It feels like it was a long time ago but I think that is because of our week long Thanksgiving staycation (separate blog).

Earlier in the month the littles and I met a group of friends at Dewberry Farm. Sidenote: Cambry has picked up on me referring to Colton and Lainey as "the littles" and now she does too. It is adorable. Lainey had a great time and loved exploring everything. Colton couldn't do a ton so he was in the stroller a lot but was content to go with the flow.

We have had mostly warm weather, but there have been a couple short cool fronts come in. It has been fun for it to feel like fall and I love dressing Lainey in cute fall outfits. Cambry has all sorts of opinions on clothes and only likes to rotate through a few favorites. Thankfully I can still have fun picking Lainey's clothes.

With the nice weather we have been outside a lot. There is a sweet 2 year old girl that lives next door to us and also 2 sisters, 4 yrs and 5 years, that come to visit their Grandparents on our street all the time. I love that our kids have other kids to play with. Poor Colton needs some boys on the scene. One day the kids spent about 20 minutes raking together a pile of leaves to jump in. Fall in Texas, y'all!

Greg had planned to take the girls camping with several other daddies and daughters. They had been looking forward to it for a long time. But the day they were supposed to go camping a cold front came through and it was supposed to be rainy and be super cold that night. They decided it was best to cancel and try to find another day. Well, by the afternoon the rain was gone and Greg still had 1 remaining campsite that he hadn't canceled just in case. So we decided to just go as a family for a couple hours since Huntsville isn't too far. I remembered that the Gentrys had talked about camping that weekend too so we ended up meeting them there. They guys made a fire, we roasted s'mores, and the kids had fun playing together.

We took family pictures recently and I love how they turned out! As usual I spent way too much time trying to figure out what we should all wear. #firstworldproblems. I will post the photos soon.

It has been a great November and I am so excited for all the magic and fun of Christmas!

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