Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Jingle All the Way Part II

Whad our first family Christmas movie night this year. The girls have been watching all the Mickey Christmas shows on Netflix but we hadn't sat down to watch anything as a family. So after dinner and pajamas we snuggled on the couch and all watched Polar Express for the first time. Colton actually sat with us for quite a while. Then he played some and we put him to bed. The girls sat perfectly still and engaged in the movie the whole time. Toward the end Lainey suddenly shouted out "Santa!". This will definitely be a tradition.

We went to a Christmas party with a bunch of friends from our old church. It was fun to see everyone again after several months. The kids played on the playground, the big kids bowled, they had lunch, and did a book exchange. All 3 of them fell asleep on the way home.

My parents invited me with them to participate in Wreaths Across America Day. All over the US thousands of volunteers lay wreaths on the graves of veterans to honor them. It was really neat and overwhelming to think of how many people have fought for our country.

Earlier this month the Compassion Experience came through Magnolia. They set up rooms you walk through that look like small houses or school rooms of a child living in poverty in various parts of the world. You can wear headphones and listen to the story of someone who experienced that and was helped by Compassion. I am not sure if Cambry really understood everything but it was still a good thing to do and a reminder of so many needs around the world and how we can help.

I'll do a separate post on our Christmas celebrations. It has been a wonderful December!

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